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Cultivate New England is the partnership between the CLB churches of New England to plant CLB churches in New England.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Pastor Evan Langlois


Pastor Mike Natale

Ryan Nilsen #1.jpeg

Dr. Ryan Nilsen


Pastor Roger Viksnes


New England is one of the most un-churched and de-churched regions of the country—but in our eyes this makes it a major mission field in North America! The ground is hard and dry; but we believe that God is able to till the soil of New England and prepare it to receive the seed of the Gospel that it might grow and bear much fruit! And as we’ve worked to discover what might be possible, we’ve found a number of para-church ministry partners that also have a passion for serving this part of the country. 


Boston is a remarkable, growing city. It is the largest city in New England. The population of Boston is about 675,000. It’s the 23rd largest city in the US. There are eight major residential development projects being developed in Boston. The population of the city itself is over 700,000 and is expected to increase. The greater Boston area has a total population of 4.8 million, making it the 10th largest metropolitan area in the US. As host to about 250,000 college students, Boston is one of the most intellectually vibrant places in the world with Harvard University, MIT and Boston University within its boundaries.  Millennials, young families, and immigrants are moving to Boston, and all for different reasons. 


Given this, one thing remains: Boston needs churches. It is estimated that Boston has one 150-member church for every 6,000 people in the city, which is a remarkably low number for the US. Some experts estimate that less than 3% of the population has heard an authentic representation of the gospel. We believe that the CLB, with our New England churches leading the vanguard, ought to have a presence in one of the biggest, most densely-populated mission fields in North America.

Image by Anthony DELANOIX



Helping Hands


Image by Naassom Azevedo


Cultivate New England

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Image by Guillaume de Germain

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Matthew 9:38

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